My aim is to breed as healthy, conformation sound puppies with the ability to work as a gundog.
I believe if I am going to take a dog out to be a “gundog” I want to be sure that the dog can physically & mentally to do the job. All my own dogs have had hip & elbow scores as well as DNA tests.
The reason I am passionate about this is my first chessie had Degenerative myopathy (DM). I wanted to make sure that no puppy I bred had to go through a disease that is preventable. Back when Mudge was born there wasn’t a test for DM, there is now. Part of the reason my dogs are also tested for EIC whilst we have no recorded incidents in the UK population. The testing labaratory had the blood so for the extra money it made sense to me to get the test done at the same time.
I have with Broc’s litter followed the “Puppy Culture” program. I intend to continue with this
Broc's 3rd litter were born 6th June 2022 to Pride - Sandsprings Purple Rain (USA imp) 6 pups. 2 girls and 4 boys.

Broc's second litter
October 31, 2019
Broc's second litter appeared on 30th October 2019 to "Melseed Queen of the North" Tide. 7 little ones, 3 dogs and 4 bitches.

Broc's first litter arrive
August 17, 2019
Cathy Bloomfield's Fern had a litter due to Broc. Fern is Nunneyswood Snow Flurry at Glaneils. Hips 6/7, e 0, DM,PRA,ED/SFS clear. they were born 18th August. 9 born with 4 bitches and 5 dogs.

Toggi ( Migwell Glory be for Avifors) & Yogi ( Sh Ch Arnac bay Exe)
July 01, 2019
2nd July 2019 6 little bears arrived 3 girls and 3 boys.
Again a litter not directly bred by me but Arla is grandma to the puppies.
Toggi is doing well at gundog training. Yogi is hard working gundog & gained a 2nd in the gundog group at Crufts.
Gemma & Dan Pearce.

Pearl ( Migwell Deutsher Admirer for Weekevalley ) & Wally (CH Next Generations Ironwoods Walnut MH )
February 22, 2019
Scot Hardings, Pearl had a nice litter of 5 by AI. Pearl works down in Exeter as wildfowling dog
Not bred by me but I imported the semen at the same time as buddy. Arla is grandma to them. Wally has been to the USA' amateur masters finals and gain a plate. looking forward to see them grow especially Wren, the only girl.

WHEN ARLA MET BUDDY Next Generation's Smooth Operator x Chesepi Parsippany for Migwell
February 21, 2017
This litter were sired by AI. It took a great deal of time & effort. Special thanks must go to Adam Levy ( Next Generation Gundogs) & Erica Wise. Thankfully it worked. Arla produced a lovely litter of 8. 4 girls & 4 Boys.

WHEN ARLA MET JOKER - Int German CH Poer West Jolly Joker x Chesepi Parsippany for Migwell
September 16, 2014
Arla's First litter. She & I travelled to Germany where she fell in love with Joker.
She produced a nice litter of 8, 5 girls & 3 boys. Thanks to Dave Lowther for doing the driving in Europe.